Earnest Covered Bridge
Earnest Covered Bridge is located in Marcola, Oregon.
According to the 2013 Oregon’s Historic Bridge Field Guide, Earnest was built under the supervision of A.C. Striker in 1938. Lane County was also building Wendling and Goodpasture during that year.
Information varies on the history of the bridge. Consensus is the original bridge, Adams, was built in 1903. Some documents use Earnest while others use Ernest.
The view from the road. If you drove by fast you might miss the turn.
View facing east.
The bridge features one window which faces south.
The 1965 James Stewart movie Shenandoah was filmed in Oregon and Earnest bridge appears in the movie. The production company altered the bridge for the movie and then restored the bridge upon completion of filming.
Nikon Z5 10 mm 100 ISO, August 2023
Covered Bridge Key
🚚Active Bridge - This is an active bridge with traffic (see photo gallery).
🛣️Road Side Parking - This is an active bridge without parking. One must pull off the road and engage hazard lights.
➡️Bridges nearby - Wendling. Earnest is located on Paschelke Road which connects to Wendling this route is a short cut. Map to Wendling