Rebekah A. Willhite (RAW)

My photography journey began in 2015 when my husband and son gifted me a Nikon camera for Mother’s Day. My first focus was to our son playing baseball. When the season ended I realized I needed a new subject. I zoomed in on the flowers in our yard and historic buildings.

Capturing images of covered bridges is quite similiar to baseball photography. Both require exploration of the area and determining the right vantage point. I will never forget the time I had the perfect angle of first base but the background was a bright blue outhouse. Not to mention the head-on-a-swivel fears of a pop fly or oncoming traffic.

Images - a flower in my yard, Oregon State Fairgrounds Horse Arena and a certain football player

RAW Photography Tips and Tools

Photo Credit: Matt Willhite

Photo Credit: Zak Stone

Photo Credit: Lynn Howlett

Rebekah Willhite Photography Awards

2022 City of Salem Historic Landmarks Commission Photography Contest Best Exterior Winner

2021 City of Salem Historic Landmarks Commission Photography Contest Best Interior Winner

2020 City of Salem Historic Landmarks Commission Photography Contest Best Exterior Winner

2019 City of Salem Historic Landmarks Commission Photography Contest Best Exterior Winner

2018 City of Salem Historic Landmarks Commission Photography Contest Chairperson’s Choice Winner