Parvin Covered Bridge

The original Parvin Covered Bridge was built in the 1880’s but suffered from worm damage. Yes, you read that correctly. The 1917 inspection was completed by bridge inspector J. W. McArthur. He wrote, "An old bridge. Chords badly worm eaten. Downstream chord has been reinforced in middle by a timber bolted on. Wood is but little better than a powder from worm action. All signs indicate a new bridge in from 2 to 4 years.” The current bridge was built in 1921; per McArthur’s timeline.

Source: Oregon Department of Transportation Historic Field Guide Oregon DOT

81890 Anthony Creek Rd, Dexter, Oregon

Parvin Covered Bridge is near Lowell, Oregon. The bridge is nestled between farms and feels like a delighful discovery.

Check Off or Return Trip

Bridges seem to fall into two categories: check off or return trip. A Check Off bridge means the experience was lovely and check the bridge off my list. A Return Trip bridge is one that asks for frequent trips. Parvin is a Return Trip bridge. It is small, only 75-feet long, but mighty. I visited Parvin on November 25, 2021 and would love to visit again on a cool October day.

Covered Bridge Key

🚚Active Bridge - This is an active bridge with traffic.

🛣️Road Side Parking - This is an active bridge without parking. One must pull off the road and engage hazard lights.

🚙Google Map Link

📌43°53′59″N 122°49′17″W

➡️Bridges nearby - Lowell, Office, Unity, Pengra.


Pengra Covered Bridge


Office Covered Bridge